
Margaret Lim


InnovationAus stories by Margaret Lim:

Doors open for digital opportunity

Australia’s digital transformation leadership will gather in Canberra on Thursday to explore changes in the Commonwealth’s digital agenda, including a deep-dive look at ICT procurement reform, delivering better government...

Innovative data scores at GovHack

GovHack 2016 ended on a high note last weekend as the winning project teams from across Australia and New Zealand soaked up all the glory and fame at GovHack...

Caples: Innovation as the new norm

Start thinking ‘innovation as usual’ as the norm rather than the exception, and expressing innovation in terms of the business rather than the system. That’s the mind-set Victoria’s Lead...

Spark fires up the next generation

This weekend marks the start of Spark Festival Sydney, which describes itself as “nine day celebration of Australian startup and entrepreneurship culture.” That’s if you come from New South...

Chief scientist eyes innovation jobs

Taking over where the former Premier Peter Beattie’s Smart State vision left off, Annastacia Palaszczuk’s Advance Queensland Program aims to make sure that Queensland stays on course to be...