NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has unveiled a $1.6 billion investment over three years in government digital infrastructure as part of the state’s post-COVID economic stimulus funding and includes $240...
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| by Denham Sadler
The Victorian government will make equity investments in local companies through a new $250 million growth fund which closely mirrors a similar initiative to be launched soon by the...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
The Australian government still plans to create a national biometrics database allowing authorities to conduct facial recognition matches, despite increasing worldwide scrutiny on the ethical implications and effectiveness of...
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| by Denham Sadler
Australia has become a founding member of a new global artificial intelligence partnership pledging to support responsible and human-centre technology. The Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) will guide...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
The Deregulation Taskforce will be brought under the Prime Minister’s department as the government looks to “modernise” regulations to keep in touch with new technology, with an emphasis on...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
More needs to be done to help Australian SMEs improve their cybersecurity and digitisation, with the government’s handful of policies in the space so far proving underwhelming, the Labor...
Posted on
| by Marie Johnson
IBM recently announced that it would no longer offer, develop or research facial recognition technology. This is big news and I believe a good decision and here’s why. According...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
The effectiveness of COVIDSafe is “extremely limited” and the contact tracing app is unlikely to help prevent the spread of the virus, according to a new policy paper. The...
Posted on
| by James Riley
The technology sector can become an engine room for job creation as the economy emerges from the lockdown period of the early response to the coronavirus pandemic, according to...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
Australia needs a ‘smart restart’ to drive economic growth and jobs creation in the post-COVID-19 period with a focus on the tech and startup sectors, according to Labor MP...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
Software vendors who were locked out of an industry briefing on the Digital Transformation Agency’s new Cloud Marketplace due to an inadequately provisioned conference call have slammed the DTA...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
The DTA is walking back on its aim to integrate its digital identity service with myGov by the end of the financial year, after recently completing a small pilot...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
A greatly expanded regulatory sandbox for FinTech companies is set to be launched in September, nearly three years after it was first announced by the federal government. Legislation widening...
Posted on
| by Denham Sadler
Deloitte has been given another pay rise for its work on a new social media-inspired myGov platform, with the consulting giant to now receive more than $23 million from...