Huawei Breakfast Forum

Risk management in a global technology environment


Thursday 2 August 2018
View Docklands, 51-53 Victoria Harbour Promenade Docklands, Melbourne (map)

Risk management in a global technology environment

There has never been a period of sweeping change like the era we are experiencing right now.

Business models, supply chains and even whole economies are evolving at an accelerated pace, presenting huge challenges and enormous opportunities.

Vastly expanded connectivity and the proliferation of devices coupled with the arrival of powerful commodity processing options and transformative software platforms has quite simply changed the way the world works.

Underpinning all of this are the rapidly evolving networks and the innovations that drive their development, the complex global supply chains that feed their manufacture, and the international standards-setting that oversees their interoperability.

A new global reality has emerged in the world of technology and innovation in which North America and Europe are no longer the only source of technical and business leadership. Technical standards and service improvements are increasingly springing from ‘non-traditional’ providers.

We have arrived at a moment in time where these powerful forces have driven a philosophical and technical shift in the way the world secures its networks and protects its customers’ data.

Cybersecurity is the paramount conversation of our age. As a global technology leader in the telecommunications sector, Huawei is rightly a leading voice in that conversation.

This forum brings together the most senior levels of cybersecurity and risk management professionals in Australia across industry and academia for an open-door discussion on the practical challenges faced in the current world technology environment.

We aim to strip away the fear, uncertainty and doubt that has muddied the debate and to focus on the practical issues these forces present for technology professionals.

Discussion points will be on:

  • Evidence-based decision making through a lens of geo-technology risk
  • The development and use of global technology against the backdrop of fraught international relations
  • Technical standards development and the impact of geopolitical trade tension
  • The potential impact of Balkanization of telecommunications and other technologies
  • The pros and cons of globally collaborative technical innovation