
Machine voting to ease leg work

One outcome of the election on July 2 has been a collective frustration with how long it has taken to learn the result; though it is incorrect to call...

SMEs still not in love with digital

Accounting firm Bentleys has published its biannual Voice of Australian Business report, based on an online survey of 350 Australian small to medium enterprises (SMEs). A key finding is...

Big business and big innovation

With the Coalition now primed to take hold of the post-election parliamentary reins, Australia’s innovation switch has again been flicked, and big business had better be ready. In his...

NBN moves onto uncertain ground

Labor in opposition would continue to press for a rethink of the unpopular fibre-to-the-node NBN roll-out, with Shadow communications spokesman Jason Clare claiming the issue played a big part...

Muster time for Australian startups

Startup Muster has begun its third annual survey of Australia’s startup community. Chief executive Monica Wullf says the idea of Startup Muster is to “measure the progress, challenges and...

Industry politics just got weirder

Things just got significantly weirder for the new economy. And whatever perceived good that had been extended to the startup end of the innovation sector has now been reigned...

Digital arts needs much more focus

It is hardly news that the Australian government’s Arts budget had been decimated by the proudly-culture free Tony Abbott and the Queenslander he put in charge of the portfolio,...

Elizabeth Eastland and the CSIRO

Innovation may be the love-child of technology and creativity, but the focus is often fixed firmly on code and computers, leaving genuine creativity to fend for itself. This is...

Nura hits crowd funding record

Melbourne startup nura has officially become the most funded Australian Kickstarter campaign ever, reaching a current total of US$1.2 million in pledges for headphone innovation, which enables the headphones...

Stand and deliver: Voters are angry

As he stood before the nation nine months ago, flushed with the success of his perfectly executed party room coup Malcolm Turnbull, a man who had mastered everything he...

Climate policy is way up in the air

Discussion about climate change and renewable energy was almost totally absent from the 2016 election. This is remarkable, given that it can reasonably argued to be the biggest issue...

The economy and the NBN future

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s last pitch to the Australian electorate was to secure the economic future by electing a stable Coalition Government. The voters ignored him. More counting through...

Wyatt pays a high price for work

We will leave the reading of the tea leaves on the likelihood of a hung parliament to others. But it does seem clear that the Coalition has lost its...

Winners & losers in a tough game

Innovation politics has paid out some harsh lessons for the Coalition on the wild ride of the Australian electorate during July 2’s double dissolution poll. With the final vote...