SentinelOne Series. Ep1: Setting the scene: the changing face of critical infrastructure in Australia

Corrie McLeod

This vodcast is the first episode in the Securing critical infrastructure: The regulatory vs the practical series, produced by in partnership with SentinelOne. When we consider national resilience, it’s every organisation’s responsibility to ensure we have robust security measures in place – and the critical infrastructure legislation was designed as an acknowledgement that some organisations are critical to the ability of Australia to function. At the ANU College of Law, Dr Huon Curtis leads the Tech Policy Design Centre’s research on risk and resilience in the telecommunications sector. With strong training in international political economy, he joins publisher Corrie McLeod and SentinelOne’s Regional Director for Australia and New Zealand, Jason Duerden, to discuss what the Australian ecosystem needs to drive innovation in resilience.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email or Signal.