Capital costs for parliament’s expense management software have more than doubled from initial budget to $60 million, with officials on Wednesday acknowledging a gross underestimation of just how complex...
More than 75 artificial intelligence projects were underway across federal government last year before consistent governance frameworks were in place, raising questions about how agencies could audit the decisions...
Multi-billion dollar tech projects across Defence and the Tax Office as well as the government’s protocols for keeping them on track could go under the audit office’s microscope later...
The Industry department has settled a dozen compensation claims related to the disastrous tender for its flagship innovation program and is bracing for more payouts amid allegations of corruption...
The Industry department has never checked the books of a supplier it awarded a $31 million commercialisation services contract to, despite an independent audit finding “bias” in the decision...
Federal Parliament’s troubled expense management software upgrade suffered from a lack of user planning and governance gaps, according to an audit that confirms the unfinished project’s budget and timeline...
Lockheed Martin Australia was handed a $1.2 billion satellite project by the government despite having a more expensive bid and lacking the experience of its only rival supplier, according...
More than half of all federal government agencies using artificial intelligence last year adopted the technology without creating policies to govern its use, raising fresh concerns about the system...
The Australian National Audit Office will review the procurement reforms put in place at the Digital Transformation Agency, the Industry department and Home Affairs in response to damning audit...
The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) is on notice to show it has moved past a “cowboy” culture that saw it break procurement rules and fall short of ethical requirements...