A “comprehensive legislative package” will be considered as the federal government continues to progress a series of reforms surrounding the regulation of cryptocurrency in Australia. Liberal Senator Andrew Bragg,...
Senator Andrew Bragg says the federal government needs greater discretionary powers in the regulation of cryptocurrency to increase oversight and speed up the introduction of new rules. Senator Bragg,...
Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews has not yet been briefed on the crypto currency data sharing ‘travel’ rule and the federal government has no intention of developing a technology...
The federal government is actively considering implementing global cryptocurrency data-sharing rules and a mandatory ransomware notification scheme. At appearances at Senate Estimates hearings this week, Department of Home Affairs...
The tax office is set to unleash its data-matching capabilities to crackdown on cryptocurrency traders avoiding tax. The Australian Taxation Office revealed on Tuesday that it will be requiring...
The ATO is investigating measures to ensure that cryptocurrency investors and traders are paying the right amount of tax on their investments. The agency has confirmed that it is...
The Reserve Bank of Australia boss has slammed the rapidly increasing valuations of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies as a “speculative mania,” but has nonetheless confirmed the RBA is...
The security of cryptocurrencies could be “completely broken” by quantum computers within 10 years, a new Australian report has found. The white paper, Quantum Attacks on Bitcoin and How...
A number of local FinTech startups have lobbied the Reserve Bank of Australia to create a cryptocurrency version of the Australian dollar. Three use cases from Australian FinTechs were...
Treasurer Scott Morrison will today unveil a new legislative package that will extend crowdsourced equity funding to private companies, effectively removing what had been the single biggest barrier to...