Australia 2024: Before renewal, there must be a reckoning

Sandy Plunkett

This time next year, will we define 2024 as a year of renewal or reckoning for Australian industry and innovation policy, action, and output?

The federal government, entering the new year after announcing a spate of innovation, green energy and defence industry funding programs last year, and well-practiced in the art of the ‘hard squint’ for signs of progress, claims the green shoots of the country’s green energy superpower ambition are set to unfold.

Last week for instance, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese pointed to the government’s flagship new industry funding vehicle, the $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) and repeatedly – and incorrectly – declared it is “open for business”.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

  1. 6 months ago

    Strong and timely call for a reality check and accelerated fresh solutions to boost Australia’s innovation and industry policy performance. But, the yardstick should not just be new to the world technologies, but all types of practical innovation where value is created and captured from solving problems that matter.

    • splunk2 6 months ago

      Excellent point Narelle. Better adoption, application and diffusion of a range of tech builds skills and new enterprise

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