The energetic Assistant Minister for Innovation Wyatt Roy will deliver a keynote live from Tel Aviv with an update on his trade mission to Israel, outlining new ideas for boosting Australia’s technology sector.
Mr Roy will address’s inaugural Open Opportunity Forum on Thursday morning, followed by his portfolio partner, Assistant Minister for Science Karen Andrews, who will discuss strategies for improving the commercial outcomes of Australia’s excellent science research base.
And is delighted to announce that Marc Englaro, the director of customer insights at leading Australian digital transformation specialist Squiz, will address the Forum as a guest of event sponsors SugarCRM.

Mr Englaro is Australia’s best-known customer experience executive. He will discuss how improved data analytics can create high-value human interactions for citizen-centric services that match the kinds of customer satisfaction levels produced in common private sector online experiences – such as those in applications like online banking or eCommerce.
The Open Opportunity Forum aims to reset industry expectations about dealing with government. Whether your company is a supplier to government, or is seeking to collaborate with a public research institution – or even just trying to access newly-available government data – the Forum aims to provide a practical guide to the new Turnbull innovation agenda.
Malcolm Turnbull’s elevation to Prime Minister two months ago has breathed new life into the innovation sector. But for all the talk of embracing change, and viewing disruption as an opportunity, what does it all actually mean for business?
Speakers at the Open Opportunity Forum – be held in Sydney for breakfast on Thursday November 5 – include:
• Adrian Turner, Chief Executive Officer at Data61, the new research and commercialisation entity created from the merging of NICTA and the CSIRO’s digital flagship
• Prof Roy Green, Dean of the UTS Business School, the author of the Senate economics committees interim report on Australia’s Innovation System
• Patricia Kelly, Director General, IP Australia
• Martin Hoffman, Secretary of the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation, NSW Government
• Gavin Heaton, digital strategist and author of The Disruptor’s Handbook – and @Servantofchaos on Twitter
• Audrey Lobo-Pulo, Data Scientist, Australian Taxation Office
• Latika Bourke, National Political Reporter, Press Gallery Canberra with the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, and author of From India with Love
The Open Opportunity Forum is hosted by A limited number of tickets remain available through this booking site.
Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.