Govt digital strategy to get a refresh: Robert

Denham Sadler
Senior Reporter

The federal government’s Digital Transformation Strategy will be refreshed to meet the growing demand on digital services witnessed over the last year.

Government Services Minister Stuart Robert told the Digital Transformation Agency’s (DTA) Digital Summit on Tuesday that he had tasked the agency to update the strategy it unveiled in late 2018.

Mr Robert also confirmed that the digital identity service myGovID would integrate with the DTA’s beta version of a new myGov platform by the end of the year, rather than the main platform, and that the long-awaited Data Availability and Transparency Bill would be introduced to Parliament in the coming weeks.

The Digital Transformation Strategy was launched in late 2018 with an aim to make all government services available digitally by 2025. It included a range of projects and deadlines across the coming years, including around digital identity and the Tell Us Once project.

Stuart Robert
Stuart Robert: Has ordered a refresh of government’s digital transformation strategy

The DTA has now been tasked with refreshing the strategy to “take into account the changed world we find ourselves in now”, Mr Robert said.

“The pandemic brought millions of Australians into contact with government, and due to social distancing restrictions, it became a necessity for people to access the services they needed through digital channels,” Mr Robert said in the speech.

“The settings, expectations and needs of businesses and individuals have dramatically changed over the last 12 months. We are progressing a whole new host of approaches, strategies and initiatives that are seeking to address this, but we cannot do it in isolation.

“This strategy update will be focusing on delivering the services Australians rely on as soon as possible, to help those most in need and to support the nation’s economic recovery.”

The DTA will release a discussion paper on the new strategy next week.

The minister also revealed that the ATO’s digital identity service myGovID would be integrated with the DTA’s new myGov beta by the end of the year, when a new version of that test platform is released to the public.

The DTA had earlier planned to integrate myGovID with the main myGov platform by July this year, but a small pilot testing of this earlier this year identified a number of problems.

The digital ID will now be first incorporated with just the myGov beta platform.

Mr Robert confirmed that state and territory governments would soon be included in the wider digital identity program, and legislation would be released for consultation in the coming weeks to expand the program to the private sector.

“The legislation will include additional safeguards and oversight to ensure all Australians will have trust and confidence in the digital identity system as it is expanded to include state, territory and private sector services,” he said.

The Data Availability and Transparency Bill, which will significantly increase the sharing of data in the public sector, will be introduced to Parliament during the current sitting fortnight, Mr Robert confirmed, after years in development.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

  1. Digital Koolaid 4 years ago

    Yippeeee !!!! A new strategy. We knew that old strategy was getting a bit – old. Now Stuart Robert has tasked the DTA to update the strategy. Awesome !! We all knew Stu was the man for the job and now we have real proof. Plus it’s great that he will legislate that Australians must have trust and confidence in the digital identity system. Make it the law and then anyone who doesn’t have trust and confidence will be a criminal. Criminalise distrust !! Lock up the sceptics !! Meanwhile, so excited that the DTA will release a discussion paper on the new strategy next week. Can’t wait !!!

    • James Riley 4 years ago

      We welcome a broad range of views at InnovationAus … but if you’re going to turn the dial up to Full Snark, please have the self-respect to put your name on it. Anonymity has its place, but if you have a serious point to make, put your name on it.

      • Digital Koolaid 4 years ago

        Thanks James. Innovation Aus is a great site and deserves less snark. Will snark privately in future. Rgds.

      • Ima Hassen 4 years ago


        Making a serious point does not require someone to expose their identity.

        Their identity or lack of one, does not make the point any less serious.

        Or does it?

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