Photo Gallery: Innovation debate

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James Riley

For those people that could not make it to the Election 2016 Innovation Policy Debate, we bring you colour and movement and some of the behind the scenes action – and fun – with the candidates.

The event was the first political debate hosted by, and the first technology-focused debate of the current election season. The debate had been supported by ten of Australia’s most important industry groups.

Team with a theme: Publisher Corrie McLeod with Local Measure CEO and debate moderator Jonathan Barouch

These were the Communications Alliance, the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA), the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA), StartupAUS, The Start Society, AVCAL, FinTech Australia, TechSydney and the Interactive Games and Entertainment Association.

Of course, we were incredibly proud to host this debate, and very grateful to the University of Technology Sydney for opening the doors of its Frank Gehry-designed Dr Chau Chak Wing building.

And we are proud also that these ten industry groups came together on the day, and helped make the Innovation Policy Debate a success.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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