To respond to the current and future challenges around Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG), every leading business is looking carefully at its specific environment to better understand the complexity of quantifying and managing ‘externalities’ while being able to verify and credential its response. Sentiment analysis and other ‘soft metrics’ – which are relied on particularly by the emerging industry of advisory partners – are not acceptable to the rigour required of an organisation that has set itself high ESG standards. InnovationAus.com and Verizon are pleased to present this discussion panel on the topic, with senior technology business leaders in Sydney and Singapore swapping notes across different continents, industry segments and technology environments.
• Dr Priya Dev, Lecturer, Research School of Finance, Actuarial Studies & Statistics, ANU College of Business and Economics
• Andy Lamrock, Managing Partner Global Solutions, Verizon
• Corrie McLeod, Moderator and Publisher, InnovationAus.com
• Rob Le Busque, Regional Vice President APAC, Verizon
• Grace Sai, Co-founder and CEO, Unravel Carbon
• Naomi Vowels, Director & Co-founder, givvable