Salesforce met with Robert ahead of $100m NDIA tender

Joseph Brookes
Senior Reporter

Salesforce held multiple meetings with former Government Services and NDIS minister Stuart Robert and Synergy 360, the controversial consulting firm linked to him in the lead up to a 2019 tender that has since netted the US software giant $100 million.

The company disclosed the meetings in evidence to current inquiry of the Parliament’s Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit into procurement at Services Australia and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The company also described the nature of its links Synergy 360, which is run by Mr Robert’s friend and Canberra insider David Milo.

On Monday at a public hearing in Canberra, Salesforce executives were evasive when pressed for details on the meetings, while the committee chair aired an allegation that Mr Robert had a “direct influence” on the contract being awarded to Salesforce.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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