Stealth Technologies to make drone vehicle for Defence

Peter Roberts

Stealth Technologies will work with the Defence Science Technology Group (DSTG) and the University of WA to design and deliver an autonomous drone that automates detection of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents.

Stealth, a subsidiary of investment company Strategic Elements will then conduct a live demonstration for the army of what it is calling an Autonomous CBRN Vehicle.

In May Stealth reported its autonomous security vehicle (ASV, pictured) successfully passed site acceptance testing by its intended customer at the Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison in Western Australia.

The autonomous vehicle planned for Defence will carry sensors into a target area allowing people to remain at a safe distance.

Stealth Technologies
Stealth Technologies autonomous drone vehicle

Strategic Elements managing director Charles Murphy told investors the company would investigate advanced manufacturing capabilities and facilities for producing the vehicle in Western Australia.

It would also be well placed to leverage its autonomous capabilities for other Defence uses such as resupply, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

Mr Murphy said: “The AxV Autonomous platform is gaining significant credibility and trust amongst some very serious players looking for autonomous solutions.

“We see significant commercial opportunities to build its value across multiple sectors such as security, defence, mining and logistics.”

Picture: Stealth Technologies

This story was originally published by @AuManufacturing. You can subscribe to the @AuManufacturing newsletter here.

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