The federal government and ISPs have formalised the official rules governing the blocking of websites hosting “horrific material” in the wake of a terrorist attack or violent crime. The...
One year after the passage of the controversial encryption laws, the technology sector has almost universally rejected the regime as having had a negative impact on Australia’s reputation, and...
If you work in the tech industry and you have a view on the federal encryption laws, we would love your feedback on the commercial impact of the laws....
The federal government needs to better coordinate its “bewildering matrix” of cybersecurity policy and responsibilities and appoint a dedicated minister, a number of submissions on the 2020 Cyber Security...
A decrease in complaints about phone and internet services is “only one part of the story” according to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman, with telco issues becoming more complex and...
Despite the serious concerns of industry associations, civil society groups and academic experts, Australian intelligence and law enforcement agencies have already issued notices under the controversial new encryption legislation....
The federal government is walking away from its own commitment to an early consideration of amendments to its controversial encryption legislation, according to Communications Alliance chief executive officer John...
The federal government’s plans to potentially scrap the telecommunications ombudsman and significantly change the complaints process have been slammed by consumer groups and the Opposition. The government late last...
Bill Morrow, the US expat tech executive hand-picked by the Coalition to rejig the NBN, is standing down as chief executive and has scored mixed reviews from industry observers....