The inside skinny on Budget Insider

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James Riley

It has been a huge week for – a real milestone in the development of our platform and our business. Yes, yes, I know that a Federal Budget also got handed down this week, but let’s talk about us for while. conceived the Budget Insider 2016 event just a couple of months ago, and with our event partners Swaab Attorneys and Stone and Chalk, we were able to put on a visible and credible event that was frankly a lot of fun.

To put it mildly, I was incredibly proud that was able to fund two senior tech journalists to cover the budget lockup at Parliament House in Canberra ahead of Treasurer Scott Morrison’s speech at 7.30pm.

Long-time industry reporter and founding editor of The Australian Financial Review’s tech pages Beverley Head, together with former IT editor of The Australian Stuart Kennedy, did an extraordinary job for us, filing stories for early in the evening and pulling together background and source material for our Budget Whitepaper.

This was a major undertaking for a small, bootstrapped publisher. We committed to writing the whitepaper, we allocated the resources, and then the Australian Computer Society came on board as a sponsor.

With much of the research done inside the lockup, the heavy lifting in writing the paper was done by Graeme Philipson. The 4,500 paper was completed and delivered ready to publish by 8am the following morning – ready to be send the ACS’s 22,000 members.

Thank you to Swaab Attorneys’ Managing Partner Mary Digiglio and Business Development Manager Maria MacNamara for incredible ongoing support. Thank you also to Stone & Chalk CEO Alex Scandurra and Community Manager Annie Le Cavalier.

Thank you the Australian Computer Society CEO Andrew Johnson and the organisation’s public affairs director Athol Chalmers for supporting the production and distribution of our Budget Whitepaper.

And thank you also to technology partners Zeetings and Coviu, both outstanding examples of great Australian technology being taken to the world.

Panel One at Budget Insider: Kate Carruthers, Jemma Xue, Karen Lawson, Pete Cooper and Tony Surtees

The Budget Insider 2016 and the content it produced was a coming of age for us at We were very happy with the outcomes.

Thank you to everyone who attended. Your support is greatly appreciated. We don’t spend a lot of time writing about ourselves, but I am pretty chuffed so I’m being indulgent.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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