The Tech Council is global, but very Australian

James Riley
Editorial Director

The structure or the new Technology Council of Australia is a very deliberate construction, creating a powerful new group that is global in composition and outlook, but also very Australian.

Launched on Wednesday, the Technology Council of Australia is a broad collection of ecosystem interests, from Australian-founded tech behemoths to local venture capital firms, to foreign ‘Big Tech’ multinationals.

Everything about its 25 foundation members screams ‘global’. These are all companies that are at home in the world.

But it’s also a very Australian group and is rightly representative of the Australian technology landscape.

That ‘Australian-ness” is baked into its structure, with guide rails written into its constitution to make sure the strength of that Australian voice is retained into the future.

Technology Council of Australia
On board: Wyatt Roy, Kate Jones and Alex McCauley

The driving force behind the Technology Council of Australia – its founder, in fact – is former StartupAus chief executive Alex McCauley, who spent the past year and a half bringing together the different parts of the tech sector in a way that possibly only a former diplomat could manage.

In six years at StartupAus, Mr McCauley has been the standout advocate for the interests of Australian tech to government policymakers, and he has taken a seat on the Tech Council board as an executive director, albeit in a part-time capacity from his new home at Stanford University.

The Tech Council’s board eligibility requirements are clever – and very interesting –playing a key part in getting the sector’s most senior people engaged. Board members must be the founder, the CEO or the chairperson of a member organisation (or Partner in the case of venture capital firms).

This is a powerful model that has meant Atlassian’s co-CEO Scott Farquhar, Afterpay’s co-CEO Anthony Eisen, Canva co-founder and COO Cliff Obrecht, :Different CEO Mina Radhakrishnan, and Culture Amp CEO Didier Elzinga are all foundation board members.

The local subsidiaries of Microsoft and Google are members of the Tech Council, meaning in theory and in practice their CEOs Satya Nadella and Sundar Pichai are eligible to sit on the board, just in case they take a deep-dive interest in the Australian market.

The same rule allowed the chairperson of US-based Tesla, Robyn Denholm, to become chair of the Tech Council board.

There are three ‘independent directors’ brought in part-time executive roles. In additional to Mr McCauley, that enabled the appointment of former federal Innovation minister Wyatt Roy (and current Afiniti Australia managing director) and former Queensland Innovation minister Kate Jones, who is now an advisor to Bevan Slattery’s Capital (b) venture capital outfit.

And newly appointed Tech Council CEO Kate Pounder also joins the eight-member board, eligible via her role as chief executive.

Also written into the Tech Council constitution is the requirement that at least 50 per cent of its member companies are Australian.

You can make the argument that Atlassian is a foreign company by way of its Nasdaq listing, or that Canva is foreign via its top company being domiciled in the US (though probably best not to make this argument too forcefully in front of these companies’ Australian founders).

Equally you can make the intellectual argument that Microsoft Australia and Google Australia are Australian, by way of registration and geography.

There is a point at which the argument becomes pedantic. But the intention of the rule is clear enough – that there is a clear Australian voice in an industry that is ultimately global. It is a criticism that is consistently levelled at the venerable Australian Information Industry Association, which has been dominated by foreign headquartered multinationals throughout its 45-year history.

Mr McCauley says “you can develop a test around this that is about a predominant connection with Australia, whether that’s about the global HQ being here in Australia, whether its about where the business was founded – those sorts of things.

“This is clearly about Australia’s tech sector, but fundamentally that does include whether they are local tech or global tech companies,” he said.

Regardless, it is the thinking behind the structure of the new Tech Council that counts. And its currently a moot point, as the vast majority of the 25 foundation partners are locally founded, and locally headquartered.

It is worth noting also that of these Australian companies, only one has previously been a member of a major industry group (by way of Atlassian very recently joining the Tim Reed-chaired Business Council of Australia).

“This is really bringing into the national conversation a group of companies that are [relatively young], and that are new to the national conversation,” Mr McCauley said.

“And I think we have made pretty clear from the statistics [in the Accenture report] that these companies are already important to the broader Australian economy and are going to become increasingly important in the years to come,” he said.

The foundation members of the Technology Council of Australia are 99designs, Afterpay, Airtasker, Airtree, Atlassian, Blackbird, Capital [b], Canva, Culture Amp, Deputy, :Different, Google Australia, HealthEngine, Jarden, LiveTiles, Main Sequence, Megaport, Microsoft Australia, Our Innovation Fund, Redbubble, Safety Culture, Sonder, Square Peg, Stripe Australia and Tyro.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

  1. Josh 3 years ago

    All well and good prepping startups and companies – but how will this Council alter the deep rooted mindset ie low risk , safe choices(always ‘IBM’) approach of the Feds and Big corporates (esp in Services and Banking). We have 6$trllion housing market bubble and only more lending going there…

  2. Alex 3 years ago

    Sure, definitely important for them to be informed about the needs of the sector. Perhaps they should have a board comprising of founders of some of the country’s biggest and best tech companies like Atlassian’s co-CEO Scott Farquhar, Afterpay’s co-CEO Anthony Eisen, Canva co-founder and COO Cliff Obrecht, :Different CEO Mina Radhakrishnan, and Culture Amp CEO Didier Elzinga and chaired by Robyn Denholm of Tesla?

  3. Digital Koolaid 3 years ago

    Please show me one (>0) innovation thing Wyatt Beau Roy achieved while taking a nice salary, sweet benefits, parliamentary super @ 11.5% and a retiring allowance from us. I watched closely but can’t remember. Maybe my memory is trash, or …. here we are again, zero qualifications (dropped out of uni – twice), zero experience (couldn’t work a day in tech) and zero know-how (but can really blag that Assistant Minister for Innovation gig, an outer ministry position (on Pluto?) assisting the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science). Kate Jennifer Jones was a journo, media advisor and then did that tech-heavy postgrad degree, Master of Environmental Law, which has zero tech. Does she head media relations at that big tech company now, Queensland Rail? But there’s more. Ms Pounder nailed a BA in politics, international studies and English. There’s another degree with 100% of zero tech. Not one bit or byte. Wow! It’s the same old, same old … journo / lawyer, English lit / politics and a guy who can’t finish nothing … Yay team ! What? Your chief economist did architecture. Your CFO did art history. And your CEO did Year 11. Do you think people should know anything at all before talking? Just asking ….

    • Alex G 3 years ago

      This organisation is a political advocacy body. They aren’t spending their time coding and running dev teams, they’re spending their time working on policy direction. If you don’t think it’s valuable having former ministerial appointments on both sides of politics in that position in favour of someone who can write in java, you’re kidding yourself.

      • Digital Koolaid 3 years ago

        Thanks Alex, all respect. I wonder how they might be “spending their time working on policy direction” on subjects where they have no relevant qualifications, specific knowledge or working experience. How is that possible? Do they also write policy for agriculture and maybe pharmaceuticals? Nobody in the Council has any qualifications in those fields either? Perhaps you feel ignorance is desirable in leaders? I like the idea of educated people being at the top table. Just a thought …

  4. Tracy D 3 years ago

    This is all good for innovation and entrepreneurship down under.

  5. Janus 3 years ago

    I wish the Tech Council well with its main purpose of “Developing high quality public policy is the principal focus of the Tech Council”. Turning policy into practice is an altogether more difficult challenge. My concern is that the Council will still become another AIIA, perhaps with a more Australian flavour but still dominated by overseas interests. I await the potential membership of the big overseas-owned consulting and integrator companies that dominate IT decisions and procurement in this country.

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