Another Jobseeker tech failure exposes ‘broken’ system

Joseph Brookes
Senior Reporter

The Employment department has apologised for a string of tech issues that have frustrated and confused jobseekers over the last fortnight as reporting requirements were kept on hold.

While the latest tech issues have been resolved, according to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), mutual obligations will remain on pause for another week to allow assurance activities and more notice for jobseekers on a restart.

But the latest bungle has reignited calls for an ongoing pause on compliance activity to allow for a thorough review into the “broken” system.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

1 Comment
  1. 3 weeks ago

    I have a conflict of interest here as an ACS person, but, what follows is my opinion, NOT anyone elses..
    The ICT people and manager in this dept should be members of a Professional Society with a Sanction Bearing Code of Ethics. The Code should have strong public interest and professional requirements that would allow a person to draw their managers’ attention to problems such as these knowing that their action is in accordance with Society’s COE.
    Of course, the Society;s COE , and the Society itself, needs to be strong enough to protect the person concerned.
    We have to lift our game.
    I am tired of seeing stories like this which unfortunately document our faiilutrd-whuch they should-and hold us up to ridicule.
    Adj Assoc Prof Karl Reed

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