Love Me Tender: Grants Special


Love me tender, series, week three, week 3

Programs to build capability for the Australian Trade and Investment Commission

Austrade is looking for suitable service providers to develop and deliver capability development programs that addresses skills covering Business Advisory Skills, Trade Advisory Skills and Investment Advisory Skills.

The initial contract term for successful tenderers will be for a period of 48 months, with the option to extend for 2 x up to 12 months.

Austrade expect providers to utilise Agile and Human-Centred design principles and deliver outcomes on sprint basis, using a Human-Centred approach to co-design capability development program elements.

Austrade expects that providers will use innovative technology to deliver services and programs.

The Training will be available to up to 2000 participants (Austrade, partners and allies) across Australia and global regions in the first two years.

Austrade does not require training to its overseas network to be delivered in person where other delivery options are available.

Submissions close: 3pm, March 20, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: AustradeCapability20

For full submission details, click here.


IP Service Panel

CSIRO through this RFT seeks to establish a Panel of Providers with the appropriate skills and experience to deliver a broad scope of Intellectual Property Services.

As part of its commitment to IP Management, CSIRO requires two Primary Services to be delivered:

(a) Patent and Trade Mark Attorney Services (IP Services)

(b) Present and Future IP Renewal and Annuity Fee Services (IP Renewals)

Tenderers may bid for IP Services, IP Renewals or both. Tenderers must confirm that they meet the Conditions for Participation as outlined in Clause 5.1 of the RFT Head Document by providing supporting documentary evidence where applicable.

Submissions close: 2pm, March 11, 2020 (ACT time).


For full submission details, click here.


Business Grants Hub – Administration Support Services

The Department is seeking suitably qualified organisations that can engage and manage a scalable workforce to be available during peak workload periods for the Business Grants Hub.

Programs delivered through the Business Grants Hub differ in size and complexity which can see a large variance in a program’s workload.

The objective of this RFT process is to establish a small panel of suppliers to provide resourcing to the Department, in accordance with a Deed on Standing Offer, on an as-required basis to assist the Department to deliver administration support services to the Business Grants Hub.

An Industry Briefing is scheduled for 10 February 2020. Details are in the RFT.

Submissions close: 3pm, March 05, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: PRI-00004181

For full submission details, click here.


The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science – Science Prizes

The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science is an element of the Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Programme. The prizes will award up to $750,000 each year for outstanding achievements in science, research-based innovation and excellence in science teaching.

The Science Prizes recognise the achievements and success of Australian scientists and innovators to both Australia and internationally.

There are five Science Prizes for science and innovation:

  • Prime Minister’s Prize for Science ($250,000)
  • Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation ($250,000)
  • Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year ($50,000)
  • Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year ($50,000)
  • Prize for New Innovators ($50,000).

To be eligible for a Science Prize, a nominee must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia
  • not be self-nominated
  • not be nominated in more than one prize category. Where a nominee is nominated in more than one category, the Prizes Secretariat will ask the nominee to select a single nomination to pursue.
  • meet the specific eligibility criteria for the nominated prize.

Submissions close: 5pm, March 12, 2020 (ACT time).

GO ID: GO3550

For full submission details, click here.


The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science – Science Teaching Prizes

The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science is an element of the Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement Programme. The prizes will award up to $750,000 each year for outstanding achievements in science, research-based innovation and excellence in science teaching.

The Science Teaching Prizes recognise Australian science educators for excellence in science teaching.

There are two Science Teaching Prizes:

  • Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Primary Schools ($50,000)
  • Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools ($50,000).

To be eligible for a Science Teaching Prize, a nominee must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia
  • have undertaken their teaching achievement for which they are nominated, in Australia
  • not be self-nominated
  • be a full time or part time registered teacher at a primary or secondary school listed on the Australian Schools Listand be active in teaching science, mathematics or technology in the classroom at the time of their nomination.

 Submissions close: 5pm, March 12, 2020 (ACT time).

GO ID: GO3522

For full submission details, click here.


International Relations Grants Program Australia-ASEAN Council (AAC) 2020

This grant opportunity is part of the grant program which contributes to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Outcome 1 in the Portfolio Budget Statements.

The Australia-ASEAN Council of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) works with stakeholders to plan and design the grant program according to the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines.

The International Relations Grants Program (the Program) is an ongoing program, subject to annual budget appropriation.

The objectives of the Program are to promote people-to-people links and a contemporary and positive image of Australia and support for the Australian Government’s international policy goals.

 The expected outcomes of the Program are:

  • strengthened bilateral relationships in areas of mutual interest with particular countries and regions,
  • international networks, collaboration and connections between institutions and communities to build understanding, trust and influence,
  • enhanced Australian international reputation and reach through the promotion of our economic, creative and cultural, sporting, innovation and science, and education assets, and
  • increased understanding of Australians of the cultures and opportunities in each of these countries.

Grant opportunities available under the International Relations Grants Program are:

  • Australia-ASEAN Council 2020
  • Australia-China Council 2020
  • Australia-India Council 2020
  • Australia-Indonesia Institute 2020
  • Australia-Japan Foundation 2020
  • Australia-Korea Foundation 2020
  • Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program 2020
  • Council for Australian-Arab Relations 2020
  • Council on Australia Latin America Relations 2020

Submissions close: 2pm, March 26, 2020 (AEDT).

For full submission details, click here.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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