Sydney Uni tips quantum dollars into ‘Future Qubit Foundry’

David McClure

On the eve of the Quantum Australia conference on Tuesday, the University of Sydney unveiled a $7.4 million investment to expand its quantum technology facilities to establish what it is calling the ‘Future Qubit Foundry’.

The new facility will be housed at the university’s Sydney Nanoscience Hub. Deputy vice-chancellor for research Emma Johnston said the foundry was an important piece of infrastructure that would leverage Sydney Uni’s research leadership in advanced quantum technologies.

It would also put the university “at the forefront of next-generation design of qubits,” the heart of quantum computers.

“It will also help ensure Australia can train the quantum workforce needed to operate tomorrow’s quantum tech,” Professor Johnston said.

Sydney Nanoscience Hub

“By training the very best quantum technologists, the University will deliver tangible benefits to the Australian economy.”

“And it will lock us into global supply chains as quantum computers come into their own.”

The Quantum Australia conference opens in Sydney on Tuesday, hosted by the Sydney Quantum Academy a collaboration between Sydney Uni, UNSW, Macquarie University, UTS and the New South Wales government.

The conference brings together the brightest quantum research minds in Australia, together with VC and other financial interests looking at quantum as a near term opportunity.

The university says its investment in quantum infrastructure has helped to attract world-class researchers to Sydney.

“Australians like Dr John Bartholomew, who was at Caltech, and Dr Xanthe Croot, who was at Princeton, have come home to establish research teams at Sydney to develop future quantum tech,” Professor Stephen Bartlett, associate dean (research) of the Faculty of Science, said.

“The qubit foundry will add to our national and global standing, ensuring Sydney is one of the world’s best places to research quantum technology.”

Professor Bartlett, who heads the University’s quantum theory group in the School of Physics, said that the building blocks of tomorrow’s quantum computers are yet to be invented.

“That’s why it’s so vital to invest now into facilities like this to accelerate qubit research.”

Pro vice-chancellor for research and enterprise and engagement Professor Julie Cairney said the Future Qubit Foundry was being designed so that the university could work with government and industry to scale the infrastructure.

“We envisage building an expanded facility that is available to the Australian quantum research community and, importantly, can be utilised by the emerging quantum tech private sector.”

The Sydney Future Qubit Foundry would bring together Sydney’s existing strengths in quantum computing research to focus on the fundamental science, engineering and industry partnerships needed to invent the next generation of qubits.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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