InnovationAus joins international Space Communications Alliance

David McClure

With the Australian space industry expected to triple in size by 2030, has joined a global network of communications organisations as an affiliate member.

The international Space Communications Alliance is a world’s-first communications network of agencies with a background and experience in telling the stories of the people, the technology and geopolitics that is driving the rapid development of the space industry.

The SCA was launched in 2022 by Poland-based specialist Lukasz Wilczynski, a co-founder of the European Space Foundation and founder of the European Rover challenge. He also the founder and former CEO of the technology focused agency Planet Partners.

Gilmour Space Technologies factory floor’s sister company Espresso Communications has joined the global network as a full member.

Space is one of fastest developing areas of innovation in the world, with the Australian federal government aiming to triple the size of the local industry and create 20,000 new jobs in the sector. publisher Corrie McLeod, who is also chief executive of Espresso Communications, says the issues being grappled with in the space sector are an amplified version of the issues facing the broader technology industry.

“Space sits across of the things that we are drawn to reporting at InnovationAus. This includes things like the challenges in developing regulatory frameworks that lets the local industry move fast to keep pace with the rest of the world,” Ms McLeod said.

“That includes everything from overseeing environmental impacts and sustainability to geopolitical strategic competition and the fracturing of supply chains. Australia is in a race to develop a sovereign launch capability and is moving fast to take advantage of the commercial opportunities that the industry has on offer,” she said.

The cosmos has always been a realm of possibility and ambition, and today’s space industry is rich in innovation. With the space sector becoming central to national defence and security, climate change and connectivity, it is an area ripe with opportunity.

“Areas including positioning, navigation, earth observation and communications technologies are advancing and becoming more critical to global economies and industries,” Ms McLeod said.

“We are excited to collaborate with SCA’s global network, map together our collective intelligence about space technology and innovation, and support the continued growth of the sector.”

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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