Voting opens for People’s Choice Award 2023

James Riley
Editorial Director

Voting is now open for the prestigious People’s Choice Award at the InnovationAus Awards for Excellence with some of Australia’s most innovative and fastest-growing companies vying for the honour.

Voting for the crowd favourite award is open to anyone, and everyone has only one vote each – so make it count and to share your thoughts on social media.

For the 2023 People’s Choice Awards, all 37 finalists were asked to provide video answers to the following four video questions:

  • What’s the name of your company and what problem do you solve?
  • Tell us about the IP that your organisation is commercialising (or delivering for social impact) and what has been your approach to this?
  • What are the three most important things that have enabled your success / accelerated your growth?
  • What does world domination look like? Where to now for your company?

You can now watch all of the companies’ video entries to these questions to decide who your winner is.

Voting opened today and ends on 15 October, so make sure you get in quickly.

To vote for the People’s Choice Award, you will need to register, but this is free and easy to do so.

The InnovationAus 2023 Awards People’s Choice finalists:

Art of Logic is a developer and manufacturer of hardware and software systems for artificial intelligence and computer-vision applications, using the existing Nx Witness VMS Ecosystem.

Baymatob offers women’s health and AI-guided solutions to improve health outcomes for mothers and their babies. It’s Oli product is a maternal and natal diagnostics tool that can provide and interpret critical information on pregnancy behaviour and risks for mothers and babies.

BluGlass Limited is a semiconductor manufacturer focusing on next generation GaN technology, producing customer laser and LED products for global industrial, display, defence and scientific markets.

Cybermerc is a cybersecurity and threat intelligence firm aiming to connect the private and public sectors and provide cybersecurity solutions. Its National Cyber Threat Sharing platform helps to share information on the latest cyber threats.

Data Zoo is an online identity service verifying customers instantly and providing global data coverage. The company aims to replace legacy providers with its flexible and innovative solution for onboarding customers safely and securely.

Diraq is a quantum computing company utilising existing chip fabrication technology to drive quantum qubit numbers to the billions that are needed. The company can provide full integration in small chipsets in a single, stable, compact system.

DroneShield offers a number of technologies focusing on counter-drone protection, using multi-layered AI tools to detect and defeat drones and similar devices. Its pistol-shaped anti-drone guns are used by military and law enforcement around the world.

DUG Technology is an analytical software development, big-data services and green high-performance computing company. Its supercomputer cooling technology can help to make data centres more environmentally-friendly and efficient.

FEMTEK’s product Basal Body Ring is a smart ring aiming to boost body literacy among women. Worn at nighttime, it provides accurate data, personal suggestions and insights into menstrual health daily.

FifthDomain has a mission to help solve the cybersecurity skills gap around the world, using cyber workforce management technologies. Its cyber skills assessment can help employers hire the best cyber talent and upskill its existing team.

Fivecast provides open source intelligence solutions providing targeted data collection and AI-enabled risk analytics, to help meet the ongoing challenges that are facing the intelligence community.

Genics’ mission is to improve the commercial success of shrimp or pig businesses using the power of data. The company’s tools use animals’ pathogen and genetic data to develop sensitive and effective healthcare and breeding programs to reduce the risk of disease, improve biosecurity and boost economic performance. uses artificial intelligence automation to improve the care that clinicians can provide. Its range of health technologies combine human intelligence with artificial intelligence.

Humanetix is a clinical management platform helping to improve compliance, increase revenue and deliver better care. Its clients are in the residential aged care, home and community care and hospital spaces.

Hypersonix Launch Systems is an aerospace engineering, design and build company with a focus on hypersonic technology and scramjet engines. Its long-term goal is to provide access to green aerospace technologies to Defence and for commercial use.

Hysata has developed a new type of electrolyser that can produce green hydrogen far more efficiently than current offerings, meaning it can be manufactured at a multi-gigawatt scale needed to help address climate change.

LLEAF is helping its clients to maximise the quality of sunlight to increase yields and boost profits. Its luminescent greenhouse films can increase productivity and can be incorporated in existing greenhouses or included in the construction of new ones. It does this without the use of electricity, and can also reduce pests and diseases and shorten growing cycles.

Lumi.Media is work management software designed specifically for producers of TV and entertainment programs. Its platform connects the entire team of a television show to the entire story, and helps to maximise productivity across every stage of production.

Mint Innovation is working to extract green metals such as gold from old smartphones and other discarded devices. The e-waste recycling solution can salvage green metals from the world’s waste.

Outcomex is a systems integrator providing end-to-end IT solutions and managed services to a range of clients. The company helps customers with consultancy, design and deployment, through to managed services.

QuantX Labs focuses on precision timing technologies, led by its Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator, known as the CryoClock. It offers quantum sensor and precision timing products for communications, navigation, surveillance and defence systems.

RayGen is pioneering a new form of renewable energy storage, thanks to the combination of hi-tech solar with thermal storage. Its solution allows for the storage of solar power, which can then be supplied on-demand, day and night.

Sicona Battery Technologies Pty Ltd produces next-generation battery material technologies used in anodes of lithium-ion batteries that can enable electric mobility and the storage of renewable energy. This technology was developed and perfected over the last decade at the Australian Institute for Innovative Materials.

SIMPaCT provides smart irrigation management for parks and towns, using machine learning to cool the microclimate. To do this, it utilises data sourced from a mix of environmental sensors, including ones that can record soil moisture and air temperature.

SmarterSoft is a company providing data collection, workflow and reporting solutions for NGOs and NFPs. Its no-code or low-code solutions can be used to quickly build any kind of business application in the crowd, and has been proven in the government and non-profit sectors.

Tessara Therapeutics Pty Ltd has a mission to protect, restore and rebuild the brain, Its RealBrain 3d microtissue platform can accelerate neural drug discovery and regenerative medicine projects.

Tide is applying new technology to grant clients access to digital platforms using keys that no-one will ever be able to get a hold off. Its PRISM tool combines a secret known only to the user with a secret no-one will ever know to generate a virtual person key to unlock accounts with a health insurer or telecommunications provider, for example.

V2food is a plant-based meat company manufacturing Version 2 of meat. It is a joint venture between CSIRO, Competitive Foods and Main Sequence Ventures.

Voltin Operations can provide safer and more cost-effective facade assessment building information modelling, helping to automate the building inspection and analysis process to detect defects in buildings.

Xsights Digital Pty Ltd provides real-time health and wellbeing monitoring for livestock. Its Xiot tag can send data continuously on the health and wellbeing of individual animals, and generate insights using machine learning.

The InnovationAus 2023 Awards for Excellence are proudly supported by Investment NSW, AusIndustry, Australian Computer Society, Technology Council of Australia, Agile Digital, CSIRO, TechnologyOne, IP Australia, METS Ignited and Q-CTRL. You can book your seat – or book a table – for these awards right here.

The finalists for the all of the InnovationAus Awards for Excellence are an incredible set of companies. Have your say in which of these innovators becomes the People’s Choice.

Protecting your great ideas with intellectual property (IP) rights can lead to lasting benefits for your growing business. IP refers to creations of the mind, such as a brand, logo, invention, design or artistic work. Head to the IP Australia website to find out more about IP, and how it might help your business.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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