Govt urged to develop national space strategy amid ‘new crisis’

A single national space strategy that positions northern Australia as a global launch hub should be developed as a matter of urgency to address “worrying headwinds” facing the sector in the wake of more than $1 billion in budget cuts.

An Australian Strategic Policy Institute report, to be released on Thursday, urges the Albanese government to revive work on a strategy to unify commercial, civil and defence aspects of space policy.

“The absence of a national space policy, or a national space strategy, is a key weakness in the Australian space sector,” the report, produced by space policy expert Dr Malcolm Davis and part funded by the Northern Territory government, will say.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

1 Comment
  1. LJPatton 11 months ago

    Please explain why Australia needs a Space industry. How many of the world’s 195 countries have one? Asking for all the people struggling financially.

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