Love Me Tender: ERP and Identity


Love me tender, series, week four, week 4

BRIGHT ADS Beamlines Photon Delivery System

The ADS beamlines are the fifth and sixth beamlines being built within the Australian Synchrotron/ANSTO BR–GHT program. The ADS beamlines project encompasses design, procurement, build/installation and commissioning phases.

The beamline will commence user operations in July 2023.

Submissions close: 4pm, April 16, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: PSC000999

For full submission details, click here.


Asset Management System SaaS

The Department is seeking a “commercial off the shelf” (COTS) system provided as a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering on a protected cloud service, which can be configured to the Department’s information and organisational context. The Department is not seeking to implement a bespoke system that requires extensive customised development.

The management of the Department’s security assets is currently distributed between the Canberra Office and overseas missions. Procurement of security assets for overseas missions is sourced and managed through a variety of means including the Department’s Diplomatic Security Division (DSD), project implementations, and by staff at overseas missions.

The Successful Tenderer is required to provide a System that is accessible to all Department staff, in approximately 180 locations across 87 countries. Some locations have intermittent or poor internet connections.

Submissions close: 2pm, April 21, 2020 (ACT time).


For full submission details, click here.


Provision of an enterprise grade graph database software product and optional associated IT professional services

The ATO is seeking tenders to procure an enterprise grade Graph Database COTS software product.

Additionally, depending on the selected software, IT professional services to integrate the solution may be required. This software is a key component of Automated Network & Grouping Identification Engine and other ATO use cases, including various Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement solutions.

Submissions close: 12pm, April 14, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: SPC-3854

For full submission details, click here.


Provision of GovERP Complementary Capabilities – Contractor Management System

The Australian Government Shared Services Program aims to consolidate, standardise and automate the delivery of core transactional corporate services across non-corporate Commonwealth entities. As part of the government’s ongoing commitment to shared and common services, the Department of Finance (Finance)is working with the Shared Services Provider Hubs to co-design a new GovERP initiative.

The GovERP initiative comprises the design, development and trial of a common whole-of-government platform, which will deliver a range of standardised corporate and financial services. The first tranche of the initiative will pilot a foundation enterprise resource management (ERP) platform for trialling across the Provider Hubs that already operate an SAP-based ERP.

The GovERP initiative is planning multiple approaches to market (ATM) to procure appropriate cloud-based complementaryproducts and services to integrate with the Core platform. Under this RFT, Finance is intending to form a panel of one or more suitably qualified suppliers capable of providing the first GovERP Complementary Capability, the Contractor Management System.

Submissions close: 12pm, April 20, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: FIN/003/20 SST025

For full submission details, click here.


Joint Project (JP) 9102 Australian Defence Satellite Communications System

This notice provides updated information regarding the postponement of the Joint Project (JP) 9102 (Project) proposed Industry Briefing and one-on-one discussions with potential prime contractors.

Submissions close: 3pm, July 28, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: JSD/NOT/12477/3

For full submission details, click here.


Australian manufacturing of medical PPE

The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (the Department) is mapping domestic production capability of medical personal protective equipment (PPE). The Department is seeking information on domestic production capabilities relevant to a range of medical PPE, including surgical gowns, gloves, goggles, hand sanitisers, clinical waste bags, waste bag closure devices (ties), blood and fluid spill kits, mask fit test kits and thermometers.

This is a request for information only. The sole purpose is to obtain information in connection with gaining an understanding of Australian manufacturing of medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), it is not a procurement and does not form part of any Commonwealth procurement process.

Initial responses to this annex should be submitted by email to no later than 5pm (AEST) Wednesday, 18 March 2020. Further responses will be received up until the AusTender response closing time, 5pm (AEST) local time in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) on Tuesday, 31 March 2020.

Submissions close: 5pm, March 31, 2020 (ACT time).


For full submission details, click here.


Identity Verification, Financial, Asset and Income Search Services

Identity Verification, Financial, Asset and Income Search Services

Services Australia conducts searches for customer-related information under the relevant Acts. A tender has been issued a identify a supplier to tender to assist in ongoing administrative, debt management, fraud and non-compliance functions within Services Australia.

The searches are undertaken on both individuals and businesses for the purpose of assessment of entitlement eligibility, reviewing customer entitlements and recovering debt.

Services Australia has the power to seek and obtain information related to the circumstances of its customers to: (a) ensure the integrity of programs and services of Services Australia; and (b) determine customers’ ability to pay debts owed to the Commonwealth, and to pursue recovery of these debts. 1.4 There are a wide variety of identity verification, financial, asset and income information searches undertaken by Services Australia. Typically these searches are made via a range of internet sites belonging to information providers.

Services Australia undertakes a large volume of searches each year, presently in excess of 8,800 per month on average. In the 2018-2019 financial year, Services Australia completed in excess of 106,000 searches.

Staff undertaking searches work in different locations around the country. The ability to conveniently provide information to staff regardless of location is critical to Services Australia.

Submissions close: 2pm, April 03, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: 1000702156

For full submission details, click here.


ANCP Accreditation Services Panel

The ANCP Accreditation (AA) Services Panel will provide DFAT NGO accreditation area with a streamlined means to procure services for accreditation of Australian NGOs in an efficient and cost effective way.

The objectives of the Panel are to:

(a) Strengthen risk management processes through identification and assessment of delivery partner risks and what controls may be needed to mitigate those risks, prior to agreement finalisation; (b) Support sound funding decisions to be transparent, robust and defensible; and (c) Undertake accreditation assessments in a consistent and pragmatic manner.

Panel members will provide services in the following category:

(a) Category 1 – Accreditation of Australian NGOs i) Sub-category 1A – International Development Specialists; and ii) Sub-category 1B – International Financial Specialists.

Submissions close: 2pm, April 16, 2020 (ACT time).


For full submission details, click here.


Mainframe Workload Modernisation / Optimisation Request for Information

The Department of Home Affairs is currently considering the future operation of their mainframe platform and is seeking relevant information aimed at modernising and optimising existing mainframe workloads, which may or may not lead to a Mainframe Modernisation and Optimisation Project. Understanding that the terms modernise and optimise can have many meanings the Department anticipates receiving responses that discuss a variety of potential solutions and methodologies which may or may not include the ongoing operation of a mainframe platform.

An industry brief will not be held to brief respondents on the project and objectives of the RFI.

Submissions close: 2pm, May 01, 2020 (ACT time).


For full submission details, click here.


Programs to build capability for the Australian Trade and Investment Commission

Austrade is looking for suitable service providers to develop and deliver capability development programs that addresses skills covering Business Advisory Skills, Trade Advisory Skills and Investment Advisory Skills.

The initial contract term for successful tenderers will be for a period of 48 months, with the option to extend for 2 x up to 12 months.

Submissions close: 3pm, March 20, 2020 (ACT time).

ATM ID: AustradeCapability20

For full submission details, click here.


International Relations Grants Program Australia-ASEAN Council (AAC) 2020

This grant opportunity is part of the grant program which contributes to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Outcome 1 in the Portfolio Budget Statements.

The Australia-ASEAN Council of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) works with stakeholders to plan and design the grant program according to the Commonwealth Grants Rules and Guidelines.

The International Relations Grants Program (the Program) is an ongoing program, subject to annual budget appropriation.

The objectives of the Program are to promote people-to-people links and a contemporary and positive image of Australia and support for the Australian Government’s international policy goals.

 The expected outcomes of the Program are:

  • strengthened bilateral relationships in areas of mutual interest with particular countries and regions,
  • international networks, collaboration and connections between institutions and communities to build understanding, trust and influence,
  • enhanced Australian international reputation and reach through the promotion of our economic, creative and cultural, sporting, innovation and science, and education assets, and
  • increased understanding of Australians of the cultures and opportunities in each of these countries.

Grant opportunities available under the International Relations Grants Program are:

  • Australia-ASEAN Council 2020
  • Australia-China Council 2020
  • Australia-India Council 2020
  • Australia-Indonesia Institute 2020
  • Australia-Japan Foundation 2020
  • Australia-Korea Foundation 2020
  • Australian Cultural Diplomacy Grants Program 2020
  • Council for Australian-Arab Relations 2020
  • Council on Australia Latin America Relations 2020

Submissions close: (extended) Friday 17 April, 2020 (AEDT).

For full submission details, click here.

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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