Canberra breakfast forum: A future built on cloud-based software

James Riley
Editorial Director

There has been a lot of talk about the cost-savings and productivity gains of moving to cloud-based software platforms, but in Australia that’s all it has been – just talk. There has not been any in-depth local research done to validate the claims and to quantify the opportunity.

That is until recently. Insight Economics and technology research outfit IBRS teamed up to produce a foundational piece of research about the economic impact of software as a service, with sector-by-sector analysis and key case studies from the public and private sectors. has partnered with leading Australian software maker TechnologyOne to present the findings of this research at a breakfast event we are hosting on May 11 that we are calling The Pause Breakfast.

This is very detailed piece of work that underscores the value of an accelerated transition to software-as-a-service platforms, and the value that Australian organisations have left on the table.

The Pause Breakfast: Melanie Kelly, Jarrod Ball, Dr Joseph Sweeney and Corrie McLeod

We are calling this The Pause Breakfast as we take advantage of the relative quiet of the caretaker period to dig into the research a little deeper, and to pick apart the report’s findings with the authors who conducted the research.

Anyone who works in technology and/or service delivery, whether in the public sector, NGOs, or private organisations will get great value from The Pause Breakfast, and the access to the report’s research authors.

Whether you are a CIO or a senior public servant, this 90-minute breakfast forum will equip you with the specific knowledge about whether value can be extracted through an accelerated move to the cloud.

The Economic impact of Software as a Service report was commissioned by TechnologyOne, which has partnered with to build this event.

  • Report co-author: Melanie Kelly, Director, Insight Economics
  • Report co-author: Dr Joseph Sweeney, Advisor, Intelligent Business Research Services (IBRS)
  • Senior Economist: Jarrod Ball, Chief Economist, Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA)
  • Event moderator: Corrie McLeod, Publisher,

The is a must attend breakfast for senior technology executives and program managers – particularly those in the public sector – who are involved in the service delivery and administrative support.

The Pause Breakfast is structured to allow plenty of Q&A, and plenty of time to talk to the report’s authors.

You can register now via this link, or if you have any queries please email the team at

Do you know more? Contact James Riley via Email.

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